Picture Galery: Callenius
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Pictures are important

I have noticed, that a big part of the visitors of my homepage are coming to it by a link into the old pictures I have uploaded. That is the reason I want to pay this topic more attention. In our family there is a quite big amount of pictures available. In the meantime I linked names to the most of them and I put them into digital. The most impotant I am poblishing here.

Naming it!

The topic of naming of portrayed people and how they are related to the family is curtial, when we are talking about genealogy. With the dead of every family member, there is also gone a part of the information. Therefore it is important to talk with the people, especial older ones, and go through the photo albums step by step and list all the information to the pictures. Who, when, where, why ..The topic of naming of portrayed people and how they are related to the family is curtial, when we are talking about genealogy. With the dead of every family member, there is also gone a part of the information. Therefore it is important to talk with the people, especial older ones, and go through the photo albums step by step and list all the information to the pictures. Who, when, where, why ...

Willi Callenius & Hertha Callenius, geb. Kath
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) & Hertha Kath (1899-1978)
year unknown
Willi Callenius & Hertha Callnius, geb. Kath
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) & Hertha Kath (1899-1978)
around 1975
Willi Callenius & Hertha Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) - 1. v. links &
Hertha Kath (1899-1978) - 4. v. links
probably 30s in the 20th century
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980)
probably 30s in the 20th cenury
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980)
1948 - after russian captivity
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980)
about 1939
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) - left
1939 - during manoeuvre
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) - in the middle with cap
1939 - during manoeuvre
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980)
1914/15 - after high school graduation
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980)
about 1939
Willy Callenius
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) - on the white path
Willy Callenius & Hertha geb. Kath
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) - 5. from left &
Hertha Kath (1899-1978) - 4. from left
Hertha, geb. Kath
Hertha Kath (1899-1978) - left
snapshot, 1920s
Callenius Family
Family Callenius (from left to right): Else Callenius (1894-1986);
Willy Callenius (1896-1980); Ernst Walter Callenius (1900-1969);
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963); Edelgard Callenius (1902-1997)
beginning 1960s
Elise Ahlborn
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963)
BZ news, Helmstedt, 1962
Elise Ahlborn
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963)
around 1880s
Elise Ahlborn
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963)
around 1880s
Elise Ahlborn
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963)
probably 1950s
Ernst Callenius & Elise Ahlborn
Ernst Callenius (1867--1904) &
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963)
marriage 1892
Ernst Callenius & Family
Family Callenius (from left to right): Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963);
Ernst Walter Callenius (1900-1969); Erna Callenius (1898-1928);
Ernst Friedrich Callenius (1867-1904); Else Callenius (1894-1986);
Alfred Callenius (1893-1937); Willy Callenius (1899-1980)
Ernst Callenius
Ernst Callenius (1867--1904)
year unknown
Ernst Callenius
Ernst Callenius (1867--1904)
with the dog of a friend which was able to smoke cigars,
year unknown
Elise Ahlborn Edelgard Callenius
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963) - lady in black, front left
Edelgard Callenius (1902-1997) - bride
Willi Conradt (1879-1966) - groom
marriage of Edelgard Callenius & Willi Conradt, 1923
Marriage Erna Callenius & NN. Trautwein
Willy Callenius (1896-1980) - 1.from left
Ernst Walter Callenius (?) (1900-1969) 2.from left
Hertha Kath (1899-1978) - 4.from left
Else Callenius (1894-1986) - 5.from left
Elise Ahlborn (1865-1963) - lady in the front,mid
Erna Callenius (1898-1928) - bride
NN. Trautwein - groom
aunt "Fränze" - front, very right
Willi Conradt (1879-1966) - 3. row, very right, above the bride
Edelgard Callenius (1902-1997) - left next to Willi Conradt
marriage of Erna Callenius and NN. Trautwein, ca. 1920s
Heinrich Ahlborn & Anna Elisabetha Ruppel
Anna Elisabeth Ruppel (1842-1925) &
Heinrich Ahlborn (1838-1899)
Year unknown
Otto Kath & Ida Diebold
Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929) &
Ida Diebold (1874-1955)
Year unknown
Otto Paul Emil Kath & Walter Hartmut Callenius
Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929) &
Hartmut Callenius (1928)
Otto Paul Emil Kath
Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929) - in the middle
Year unknown
Otto Paul Emil Kath & Anni Kath
Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929) & Anni Kath, marriaged Pickerodt
1929 on Spiekerog, German North Sea
Otto Paul Emil Kath
Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929)
Year unknown (ca. 1880s)
Otto Paul Emil Kath
Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929)
Year unknown (ca. 1880s)
August Kath & Anna NN.
August Kath (brother of Otto Paul Emil Kath (1866-1929) &
Anna NN.
Year unknown
Edelgard Callenius & Willi Conradt
Edelgard Callenius (sister of Willy Callenius) (1902-1997) &
Willi Conradt (1879-ca.1966)
Ida Diebold & Martha Diebold
Ida Diebold (1874-1955) - left &
Martha Diebold (1873-xxxx)
ca. end 1880s/beginning 1890s
Georg Friedrich Hiß
Georg Friedrich Hiß (1825-1894)
Year unknown
Maria Katharina Bär
Maria Katharina Bär, married Hiß (1829-1887)
Year unknown
Maria Katharina Bär
Maria Katharina Bär, married Hiß (1829-1887)
Year unknown
Gustav Hiß
Gustav Hiß ("an uncle")
ca. 1910/1918
Franz Joseph Diebold
Franz Joseph Diebold (1838-1899)
Year unknown
Karoline Hiß
Karoline Hiß, married Diebold (1851-1882)
Year unknown
Georg Friedrich Hiß
Georg Friedrich Hiß (1792-1875)
host of the hostel Zum Rössle in Eichstetten
Year unknown
Anna KAtharina Brodbeck
Anna Katharina Brodbeck, married Hiß (1796-1879)
Year unknown
Christian Bär
Christian Bär (1806-1872)
Member of parliament, Württemberg
Year unknown
Dieboild - Hiß Family
in Eichstetten
Family meeting Hiß 1955
Family meeting Hiß in Eichstetten